„English in Action Week“
Die Klassen 4A und 4Bg nahmen von 7. bis 11. Oktober 2013 an einer Standortsprachwoche mit der Organisation „English in Action“ teil. In dieser Woche hatten die Schülerinnen und Schüler täglich 6 Stunden Unterricht mit Native Speakers, in denen sie vieles über Großbritannien hörten, verschiedene Projekte ausarbeiteten, Filme drehten und Sketche einstudierten. Am Freitag gab es dann zum Abschluss noch eine gelungene Präsentation, in der die Klassen einander ihre Projekte vorstellten. (HOHE)
Das Feedback einiger Schülerinnen und Schüler
In my opinion the EiA week was a great experience. In our lessons we played games, acted, worked on our projects, learnt about England and practised speaking English. It was very varied! I liked our teachers very much as they were funny and nice and they helped us if we didn’t understand something. They taught us lots of new things. I liked the games we played and the exercises we made to practise our English, but the thing I liked best was the play we made. We had a lot of fun when we worked on the script and performed it in front of an audience on Friday. Working on our projects was fun too, because we could make them about anything we wanted. All in all, the EiA week was great and I enjoyed it very much! (Sophie Houdek 4Bg)
All in all, it was a great week. Our teachers Simon and Emily played funny games with us. That was the best thing in the five days. Making projects and shows was also cool. When we presented our projects, we had a lot of fun. I didn’t enjoy the exercises in our „EiA“-booklet, as they reminded me of school. But they were useful for our English! I can only recommed this week to other classes. (Tabea Schulz 4A)
I liked EiA, because the two teachers, Simon and Emily, were very nice, the games were funny and it was much better than normal school. With EiA I learnt to speak freely and I found out that I can explain English words without speaking German. In my opinion the English week was very helpful, because now I can speak English much better. There was one thing that I didn’t like: the sketch, because I hate acting. I think English in Action was very helpful for all kids and we had a lot of fun. (Julian Promberger 4A)